About photography
A photograph is a violent slice, a severe cut. Both in space and in time. 

You take a side step, kneel down, maybe you change the lens, and find something to enliven and spice up the main subject. You judge what will be shown and what will never take place in that photo. You compose the frame keeping in mind what kinds of loose ends you want to give for the viewer. 

A good photo is a map to a place that the viewer will never find but in her head. Something has been captured, something has been expressed - and, essentially, something is left to be added. 

A photograph is invisible, like Roland Barthes said. The conventions guide us to understand its intended message or most obvious interpretation. Then, there is something else – a striking element, a detail that captures your eye... It reminds you of something, it ignites and fires you up. 
In this sense, I see photography as communication. It comes to life after it is shared and received. That is the reason behind this portfolio.
Young boy with horses in Cairo, Egypt
About myself
I take pictures mostly for my own pleasure and artistic purposes. On occasion, I'm asked to do weddings, gigs, sports events, even advertising. My special talent is to pick the particular moments and get people feeling easy. I don't do studio stuff, and I've forgotten what it takes to shoot film.

I'm a Key Expert in digital learning from Helsinki, Finland. Usually when I go to give a talk in some international educational conference, I take my camera with me and steal an hour or extend my stay a day to walk around with camera in my hand.

I use Nikon gear: D750 and D7100. Not so surprisingly, iPhone 6S comes in handy, too.
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